Thursday, April 11, 2019

meet me, kenzie.

meet me, kenzie.

( it's been a hot minute since i've shared some facts about me,

so i thought i'd share a blog post with a few things. )

my name is kenzie. not mckenzie. not mackenzie. just kenzie.

 i was named after a canadian basketball player that my mom knew growing up and she ended up loving the name so much that she named me after her! 

and my middle name is kaye. 

a name passed down from my grandma. 
to my mom. 
to me.

which makes the letter " k " one of my favs!!!

i started blogging back in 2015. 
my best friend / sister, @jensynjeppsen first introduced me to blogging!
but it took me a few years to get into it and to make it a "real" thing.

now i'm super excited to get back and to create some good content for y'all. 

something i loooove to do is simply


i love channeling my inner creative juices into something beautiful.

my blog is a lifestyle/fashion blog.

it is mainly focused on things going on in my life at the time and centered around things that help me.

there will be posts about

clothing hauls.
family. (when the time comes lol)
keeping sane during finals week @ school.
different photo shoots. modeling gigs. 

and much, much, more!!!

i just returned from serving a mission for the church of jesus christ of latter-day saints.

i served in jacksonville, florida.

(hence the reason why i now say "y'all")

i had an amazing time and it was a wonderful opportunity. 

(there will be blogs/vlogs coming up where i will share more about that experience so stay tuned!!!)

i LOVE the color pink.

literally everything and anything that is pink... i need.

especially mauve pink. or a dusty rose.

haha i walk past something that color in the store and i honestly can't stay away from it!!!

the minute that the "dusty" colors started becoming a thing... was the best day of my life.

my number one is my sister's dog, berlin.

we got berlin when i was twelve years old and my entire life my sister and i had been begging our parents for a dog. 

(which they kept saying would never happen)

but we researched all of the breeds.
and picked which one would work best for our family.
we knew the health challenges, the life expectancies, the size, the type, the literally everything. 
and we created a powerpoint for our parents about why we should get a dog.
and why it would be the best fit for our family.

i don't know how we got across to them, but we got to get berlin!

so, meet my, kind-of, dog.

(i say she's mine... even though she really lives with my sister)


i am somebody who loves school.

i love to learn.

i am a theatre major, with an emphasis in acting and film.

when i was little, i wanted to be an actress.
but as i grew up, i became shy and scared, and thought i could never ever possibly be an actress.

but then when college came around, i decided to go for it.
because it's something i LOVE to do.

and school really feels like it's just fun.

like i have days where i go to class... and i get to run around pretending i'm a leopard in the amazon. 


haha jk it's not all fun and games. 
but when you find something you love to do, it really doesn't feel like a job or a chore.

and that's something i firmly believe in and want in my life.

i want to be excited to go to work everyday. i want to do things that i LOVE.

and i love theatre. i love acting. i love dancing. creating. building. living.

along with theatre & acting, my blog has helped me grow an interest in modeling. that's been something that i used to do before i left on my mission and might be something i still will pursue. 

the reason why i want to do film instead of broadway is because i am naturally a quiet person.
and i like things in a closer setting.

sometimes i feel soooooo awkward in front of the camera, especially if it's something that i am just doing by myself. 

but i want to make more vlogs and things. 

and i also loooove the camera. 

i was an extra on a set once and i had never felt more at home. 
the vibe.
the feeling of the cameras, the set, the lights. the makeup artists standing on stand-by...

it all just felt so good to me!

so that's when i decided that i was going to focus more on film.

being in the movies and in front of the camera is good and all....

but i also LOVE being behind the camera.

doing photography and videography makes me happy. 

i love editing!!!

my sister actually takes my blog pics for the most part and i turn around and edit them.

i made a few videos before i left on my mission and posted them on my youtube channel

\\   kenzie kaye  // 

in the future i am hoping of bettering my videography and photography skills and traveling the world with my family. making videos of our adventures.

because something that i love to do is 

capturing the moment.
making and keeping memories.

i want to be able to remember the memories of the adventures that my future family and i will make.
to have those videos to remember forever.
and for my kids to see the things that they did.

i have always loved home movies. and i want to keep that vibe alive in my life. 
because a tradition of mine is to watch our home videos during christmas break and my family and i would just laugh and laugh at the funny things that we would say and do.

it's been a treasure of mine.

even though i love to travel, i also love to be home with my family.

i am an extraverted introvert you could say hahaha.

i love love love to just stay home and watch movies. 

i've always been the type of person who goes to the party but stays on the outskirts of the dance floor lol. the one who likes to be social with friends but tends to stick with just a couple. 

i really do like to be social

but i'm always pushing against my comfort zone!!!

i am a natural blonde. however i do dye my hair. 
i've always been a blonde.
except for this one time when i was a mermaid in a musical and i had pink hair for about a month.

which is totally something i would do again.

i had short hair before i left on my mission and loved every second of it.
everyday i debate about cutting it off again...ugh.

but for now, we are going to be growing it back out!!!

i am obsessed with music.

my favorite genre is alternative indie / folk.

i love how music can take you back to a place or a memory. 

it can totally change your mood - or set the mood - for that matter.

with music, 
i taught myself how to play the piano, guitar, ukulele, and how to sing.

my mom is a piano teacher and taught me the very basics when i was little. but over the years, as i learned how to read music to sing, i retaught myself how to play the piano better. 

but singing is definitely my favorite thing.

i am a NIGHT OWL people!!!

haha i am definitely not a morning person.

but i do enjoy getting things done early in the day...

however i just love the night.

i just feel like i am soooo much more creative during the night. 

and there is soooo much i can do when the sun goes down. hahaha.

my family would be getting ready for bed at 9 pm and i would just be getting ready to leave the house.

when i was on my mission, i learned how to speak in american sign language.

a year before i left, i prayed as i was debating between learning sign language and french at school... and i just felt something pulling me to sign language. 

not really knowing why, i decided to go with it and i ended up taking a year of it in college.
and i LOVED it.

but on my mission, i was able to learn more and teach deaf people about jesus christ. 
and it is such a beautiful language. 
it's something i absolutely love learning.

i. love. fruit.

i am not really a dessert person.

i don't really like a ton of sweets.

one of my favorite things is to have fruit for dessert. 

just add a little bit of whip cream and you've got thee perfect treat!!

but my favorite type of food is either 


tacos is a totally new fav thing for me.

i don't know what it is... but i am just obsessed with them now! 

anyone have any fav taco places??? 
taco stands??? 

i also love to watercolor and to create art.

anything that has to do with music/creativity/art/fashion...

sign me up! i'm all in!


well that's just a little sneak peak about me!!!

if you would like to know anything else or have any more questions... leave a question below!!!

i would love to do a q&a or even future "get to know me" posts some day.

so comment below!
let me know! 

target jumpsuit // old navy shoes (similar see here)

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