Sunday, February 14, 2016

Loving Love

I love LOVE. 
Valentines is such a cute holiday. 
This year I really focused on spending the day with the ones I love and letting them know that I care about them. Spending time with my friends and family today was a blessing. February has been such a crazy month for me. And I know I say that every month is crazy... But it honestly just keeps getting worse and worse! Because I am not able to spend a lot of time with the ones I love very often, Valentines this year was extra special. Making others know that they are loved and that they matter is a very important thing to me. 
This past year especially has been a hard one. I've lost a lot of dear friends and a lot of incredible people that I love and I am sad that I didn't let them know sooner how much I loved them and how special they were. However, I've opened my eyes and heart because of them. I embrace love now. Sending a two second text to someone and letting them know you're thinking about them, giving them a hug when you see them, and letting them know just how much you do care about them.. it's a beautiful thing that we often take for granted. Hopefully this Valentines day we show the ones we care about how much we love them! 

This lovely, yet crazy post was taken a few weeks ago! (Did I mention I have no time??) BUT it IS a post made for Valentines. So what better day than today to post about it?? If any of you follow my Instagram account (@kenz_kaye) you may have seen a sneak peak from this post. And that post could not have been more true. Messy buns for days! I am telling you! Haha but everything is still so good. 
I love how I got to share this post with my sister, Jensyn. She has a blog of her own, Stripes in Bloom, and she is amazing! She's the one who inspired me to start my blog! Haha she's definitely better at it than I am, but I love how I am able to have someone I can look up to and go to when I need help. I love collaborating with her. 
We wanted to try something new and festive for Valentines Day and so we created a fun video to show you guys how we made cute sugar cookies. 

This recipe is honestly so easy to make! We found the recipe off of Pinterest, you can find the original source here at  It was so much fun to do this with my sister and also have Berlin in a few of my photos ;) I love her with all of my heart. Just animals in general actually haha! 

Happy day of love! Thank you for following my blog and hanging in with me and my busy and crazy schedule! I love you all. :) 

xoxo // kenzie kaye

1 comment:

  1. You rocked this Kenzie and Jensyn! Cute post! I love you both!
