Tuesday, March 7, 2017

the end of feb.

am i the only one who is happy for feb to be over because that means it starts getting warmer??? 
even though this coat is super cute, i'm pretty excited to stop wearing it every single day ;)

it's now the second week of march and i feel absolutely SHEEPISH for barely getting a post up! 
i have all of these shoots i took over the winter break, and i am just barely remembering that i still have to post about them!

february went by so fast. 
i am grateful february has come and gone. that was a challenging month, a busy month.
i am already halfway done with the semester in school!
i spent most of the month trying to find a car, dealing with car accident problems, insurance companies, and car rental places.
(i had so many people calling me a day about my car i have never felt so popular in my life lol)
 i spent a lot of time working, going to school, and doing lots of homework and tests.

i tried being a responsible adult and spent a lot of time doing all of my homework before i left on my disney vacation with my family.

february was stressful and not very fun, it was really cold and it snowed a ton.

- getting my hair done! 
(i went a tad darker than usual and went 'chop-chop' to the ends & got some new layers)
-which i don't really have any pics from a shoot with my new hair yet but i'll talk about it a whole lot more when i do-
- booked my first "real" modeling gig/shoot with urban
(you may see me on a book cover without any makeup on and some dirt smudged all over my face but that's still pretty sick nevertheless)
-got a "new" car! 
(well... i've never met it before so it's new to me. it's white. and i still have yet to name it...) 

and that's about it!

this shoot was done by @sierrakatephotography 
luckily i was able to shoot with her for a second when i stayed at my parents' house for the weekend. 
she's the sweetest girl and i'm so grateful she came out in the freezing cold to shoot with me!

hopefully in march i'll remember that i actually have a blog and won't get so far behind ;)
i've got some awesome shoots to show you!

xoxo // kenzie kaye

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